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Annual CWSHRM Human Resources & Labor Law Conference – 2014

Date and Time: March 6, 2014 8:00 am


Holiday Inn South,

4751 Owen Ayres Court

Eau Claire, WI

Presenters: Amy E. Ebeling, Sara J. Ackermann

Impact of U.S. v. Windsor and IRS Recognition of Same Sex Marriages on Wisconsin Employers.
Attorney Mary Ellen Schill

Wisconsin does not recognize (and in fact criminalizes) same sex marriage. The United States Supreme Court in U.S. v. Windsor held that a portion of the federal Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional, but left stand the part of DOMA that says that states can refuse to recognize same sex marriages. The Internal Revenue Service now says that it will recognize same sex marriage for federal tax purposes, even if the taxpayer lives in a state that does not recognize same sex marriages. What does this all mean for Wisconsin employers and their employee benefit plans? This presentation will help you sort it all out.

Benefits, Perquisites, Perks, Gifts and Rewards The IRS Doesn’t Care What You Call It
Attorney Amy Wesner

Are there doughnuts in the break room? Who bought lunch? Do employees receive holiday gifts? Are there rewards for meeting performance goals? Call it what you want, but any cash or property that an employee receives from an employer in lieu of or in addition to regular wages is a fringe benefit that may be subject to taxation. Attend this seminar to learn tips and tricks to determining tax treatment of fringe benefits, potential employer liability, and hot topic trends in fringe benefit taxation.

What is Attorney-Client Privilege and Why Should I Care?
Attorney Sara Ackermann

Every day HR professionals draft e-mails, memos, disciplinary notices, termination letters, and countless other documents that could someday be “Exhibit A” in a discrimination law suit. Sara Ackermann will address the “do’s” and “don’ts” of effectively and efficiently using legal counsel to minimize risk within your HR budget. Sara will cover the “how, when, and why” of using legal counsel in several areas, including, document drafting, conducting audits, and performing investigations. E-mail your best lawyer joke to Sara prior to her presentation the attendee with the funniest submission will win a prize!

Employees Gone Wild: How to Protect Your Company From Hidden Risks.
Attorney Bryan Symes

In this hour-long session, attorney Bryan Symes will provide helpful insight into several of the most-common HR headaches involving out-of-control or unusual employee conduct, including employee requests for accommodation of non-traditional religious practices/ observances, rogue employees who are out to steal the company’s business, employees who are arrested or convicted, contractors who believe they are employees, employees who like to party a bit too much, workplace bullies and employees who like to broadcast their workplace grievances through social media. This presentation will educate attendees through reference to “real life” examples and easy-to-remember memory devices.

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