Holiday Inn and Suites
1000 Imperial Dr
Rothschild, WI
Keynote Presentation:
“Reality-Based Leadership” – Ditch the Drama and Turn Excuses into Results. Learn to recreate mindsets and change an organization’s culture in order to lead in a bold new way.
• Nicole Price is VP of Training for Cy Wakeman, Inc. Since joining Cy Wakeman she has helped spread the Reality-Based message all over the U.S., Canada, and even in China.
Morning Legal Workshops:
The Proposed Changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act –Are You Ready?
The overtime rules may be changing!! When is the proposal likely to become effective? How should changes be communicated to employees? Bring your questions!
Accommodating the Injured Worker: Tips and Traps.
How to comply with three laws to avoid legal claims. Sara will offer some “hypothetical” examples of how to assess accommodation and avoid litigation under each law.
• Presenter – Sara Ackermann – Ruder Ware Attorney
Afternoon Legal Workshops:
Bullying in the Workplace – What Can You Do To Protect Your Employees?
How can employers ensure a safe workplace?
• Presenter – Dean Dietrich, Ruder Ware Attorney
Keeping Your Friends Close and Your Employees Closer- Surveillance of Employees In and Out
of the Workplace
“Do’s” and “Don’t” of employee surveillance, whether the activity is Facebook or the breakroom.
• Presenter – Kevin Terry – Ruder Ware Attorney
Closing Presentation:
“Reality-Based Accountability” – Hardwiring Accountability into Your Workforce.
Nicole Price returns in the afternoon to break down the core competency of personal accountability and offer a plan for coaching and developing accountability at all levels.