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Annual CWSHRM Human Resources & Labor Law Conference – 2018

Date and Time: April 12, 2018 8:00 am


Holiday Inn & Suites, Rothschild, WI

Presenters: Sara J. Ackermann

Presented by Central Wisconsin Society for Human Resource Management and Ruder Ware – HRCI and SHRM credit approved 6.5 total credits (4 Business Credits).

Keynote Presentations:
Marsha Petrie Sue, MBA.

CEO OF YOU: Leading Change Through Emotional Intelligence  Using emotional intelligence (EI) as the basis of successful leadership can be masterfully implemented by any professional. EI is responsible for 58% of job performance; to be effective, leaders must have a solid understanding of how their emotions and actions affect the people around them. The better an HR professional can relate to those around the table, those within their community and industry, the more successful they will be to lead change and make a difference. Sharpen skills and learn new techniques to drive action, manage change, reduce conflict and build teams – move to the next level of success on the Leadership ladder.

Morning Legal Workshop:
Sara Ackermann, Ruder Ware Attorney

Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Harvey Weinstein, Who’s Next? Are you prepared for harassment allegations in your workplace? While sexual harassment is not new, the rash of recent cases reported in Hollywood, Corporate America, and our federal government are shining a new spotlight on the issue. Avoid being the next headline.

Afternoon Legal Workshop:
Dean Dietrich, Ruder Ware Attorney

The Missing Employee: Leave of Absences in the Workplace An employee on leave can be a difficult situation. An overview of not only the different types of leave, but also practical legal considerations when reviewing a leave will be discussed.

Closing Presentation-Marsha Petrie Sue Returns:

Marsha will use tailored case studies to meet the following: establish clarity and instantly communicate needed information to manifest the changes necessary for your group; tips to deal with toxic behaviors, situations and attitudes; more effectively ‘speed read’ people and flex to their style without losing your authenticity; learn to deliver and receive tough messages; establish plan to keep your best talent & reduce turnover; reinforce individual and organization’s core values and behavioral expectations through modeling, communication, mentoring and coaching; and learn to choose the appropriate mode of communication according to generation.

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