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Update on Health Care Reform: Are You Going to Pay or Play? Local governments are anxiously awaiting further clarification of the feasibility of using health insurance exchanges (including the Small Business Health Option Program or SHOP ) in 2014. Some municipal employers are still unsure whether they are subject to the (now delayed) shared responsibility provisions in the Affordable Care Act. This presentation will address the current state of regulations and provide assistance to municipal employers to determine whether they are applicable to large employers for purposes of the pay or play mandate, and in considering health insurance exchanges and SHOP for their employees.
Open Government in the New Age of Technology This presentation will discuss the impact of technology (Facebook, e-mail, texting, etc.) on the Wisconsin Open Meetings and Wisconsin Public Records Law. Local government officials are wrestling with a number of difficult issues as technology changes and methods of communication change with tremendous speed. Local governments are considering their own websites and Facebook page and wondering what obligations they have to notify the public about open meetings and retain copies of those items as public records. This presentation will discuss the obligations under the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law and the Public Records Law and provide insights and guidance regarding the handling of meetings and records in our new world of technology.
Surviving the Perfect Storm: What to do When ADA, FMLA, and Workers Compensation Collide Federal and state FMLA, disability, and workers compensation laws continue to create compliance problems for employers. This presentation will touch on recent legislative developments and influential court decisions under these laws. We will walk through real world case situations and how FLMA, disability, and workers compensation law apply. Attendees will be encouraged to participate and analyze the case situations and provide insight.
Update on Act 10 Litigation & Stump the Lawyer (Q&A) Program