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Ruder Ware is providing this Local Government Seminar to all of its current and prospective clients. The seminar is designed to give detailed information to experienced administrators and officials as well as general information for the newer administrator/elected official. We hope you will take the time to attend this event.
Impact of the Administrations of President Trump and Governor Walker on Local Governments
4:00 – 5:15 p.m.
While new developments are happening daily, we plan to discuss:
Status of the Affordable Care Act and employer compliance with any existing requirements of the Act.
Enforcement of employment laws at the state and federal level.
Duty of accommodation to public employees under both state and federal law.
Proposed changes in the 2017-2019 State Budget.
Dinner and Networking
5:15 – 6:00 p.m.
Legal Updates
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Changes to the Unemployment Compensation Law.
Recent decisions regarding Wisconsin Open Meetings Law and Wisconsin Public Records Law.
Recent decisions regarding reasonable accommodations of employees under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act.
Recent decisions regarding due process protections for public employees.